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Wilderness Freewill Baptist Church

In 1990, the Wilderness Freewill Baptist Church celebrated its 50th Anniversary.  At that time, a booklet was written to commemorate the anniversary called "The Golden Years".  Contained within this booklet are pictures and the church history that I've typed below.  The picture above certainly predates me, but this is the earliest shape that I remember the building - before additions.  (The second story that is on the building here was gone before my memory, though.)  In the early days there was a woodstove in the sanctuary and the restrooms where the outhouses down the hill.

        The Wilderness Freewill Baptist Church is celebrating their 50th year of being a member of the Cave Springs Association of Freewill Baptist.  We have chosen August 12th as the date to observe this anniversary.  In actuality, the church was organized the second day of August 1940, as a Freewill Baptist Church, but it was many years before a church was actually started.  As far as a factual date of when the building was built, and a church established, we were not able to determine.  We do know the first deed for the property was in 1884 and that in 1889, a Mr. King obtained the property and deeded the property to the community for a church.  It is thought that from that time on, a church existed at the site.  It is known from history of old timers that a Sunday School was established and a church formed.  It is believed that a Sunday School was formed by Dr. Karl Schmid, a German doctor that loved the Lord and served Him in many ways.  From notes and documents written in his own hand, we were able to obtain a certain history of the Sunday School.  It was recorded by Dr. Schmid that the Sunday School needed love and nurturing, but it is also recorded that they had an attendance of approximately 55!!  Dr. Schmid is remembered by many for his love of children.  He came to the area in 1900 and settled in the Handy and Wilderness area, and is remembered by many as "Santa Claus Schmid" due to his generosity at Christmas to the children in the many Sunday Schools that he nurtured.  Dr. Schmid was Presbyterian and the first church formed is believed to have been Presbyterian and Methodist.  They alternated weekends and took turns having services.  Of course many of the same people attended both services.  At this time, the building was a two story building.  The lower level was used by the churches and the top level was used by the Masonic Order.  Little is known of this organization except some of the older ones now remember trying to sneak up the stairs to view the room.  It is also rumored that Jesse James once slept in the lodge while on the run from the law.  If the building could talk, it could tell many stories we are sure!  The upper level was removed , however, at some time in the past and additions have been built as need dictated.  In 1974, four classrooms were built on the north side of the building.  In 1985, the front of the church was remodeled to add two bathrooms and a classroom.  A front porch was added at this time too.  In 1989, an addition of four classrooms was added to the west side of the building.  The building's main room is the original, although, remodeling has been done at various times through out the years.

        A change was also accomplished in 1940, when the need for a permanent church was established.  Three men from the Cave Springs Association decided to organize a Freewill church in the Wilderness community.  These men were Reverend Clarence Dodson, Reverend Sam Bell, and Deacon Elgin Williams, all from Alton.  On August 2, 1940, the organized the present day with 22 members.  Three of the 22 became deacons.  They were Oather Neal, Mack Simpson, and Hosea Simpson.  Brother Neal is the only living deacon of the three and resides in the Willow Care Health facility in Willow Springs.  When the church was organized, it was determined that services would be held on Saturday night and Sunday morning.  Brother Clarence Dodson was called as the first pastor.  Sadie McDowell was elected as the first church clerk.  Of the original 22 members, it is thought that six are still living today.  There are several, however, that still attend the church but were not charter members.  Everett Brown, Gertie Case Hill, Opal Brawley, Annalee Brown Smith, Vern Smith, Arlene Smith Thompson, Dorothy Smallwood Waller, Earl Simpson, Ella Simpson Shepherd, Eddie Simpson, Nora Case, Millie Smallwood Dodson, Jeri Sue Simpson Case and Pete Case all attended at the time the church was formed and still attend today.  Many others visit from time to time and we are thankful for each one.

        Not much is known of the first tow-three years of the church's history as the records have been lost.  The first records starts in April of 1943.  It was a recording of the church conference to elect delegates to the quarterly meeting.  The first record of offering is June 6th, 1948, and for the pastor, the offering was $4.68.

        The church was not to be held back, however, Reverend Dodson continued to travel from the Greer community to pastor the church.  He pastored from 1940 to 1947.  Reverend Eddie Vaughn pastored for a year and then Reverend Dodson returned for another four years.  In 1952, Reverend Millard Earhardt came to pastor for a year, and then the church recalled Reverend Dodson.  This time Reverend Dodson pastored for three years.  In 1956, Reverend Virgel Blankenship began his two year pastorial duties.  Reverend Dodson came back in 1958 but only served on year this time.  After a year he was called to pastor the Alton Freewill Baptist Church.  He pastored at Alton until ill health forced his retirement from the ministry.  Reverend Merle Shaw came to pastor the church in 1959.  The records are sparse at this time and it is thought Reverend Shaw pastored a year and Reverend James Lee Reed pastored a year and the church used a variety of ministers to hear God's Word for approximately six-nine months.  In 1962, Manuel Dunkin came to pastor the church and pastored for three years.  In 1966, Reverend Walter Simpson became the pastor and remained with the church until 1976.  Reverend J. W. King then assumed the duties and remained with the church for two years.  In April of 1979, Reverend Wayne Lunyou became the pastor and continues to pastor the church at this time.  Most of this time data is taken from church records so dates may not be exactly correct due to no exact dates being recorded as to when the pastor assumed his duties.  It is certain though, that men responded to God's call and the pulpit was filled at the Wilderness church despite the fact that some of the mend did not have transportation.  Many recall the pastor catching a ride out as far as he could, and then continuing on foot.  Others recall the use of horses to ford the river and cross at McFry's Ford or at Turner's Mill to arrive in the community.  Some of the pastors would arrive in the community on the Saturday night and spend the night in community homes in order to be present on Sunday morning.  All of them were dedicated men and willing to serve God.  The church owes them a vote of thanks for their dedication.  Due to their efforts, the church survived and grew!!

        As previously stated, Sadie McDowell was the first church clerk and after some time, she handed the duties over to her daughter, Lucille.  Lucille served until her marriage and move to Springfield.  She still resides in the Springfield area with her husband, Reverend Otis Littles.  At the time she left the church and community, she handed the duties over to Ray Simpson who was clerk until his death in 1957.  At that time, Eulah Neal became the clerk and was in charge of the records until the 1960's when Janice Waller Simpson was elected.  She handled the church records until 1988 when Dinah Smith Miller was elected and still serves as clerk.  The church is thankful to these individuals for the records that have been recorded and preserved.

        The church has also been blessed with good men who were willing to serve as deacons down through the years.  After the war years, the church was left with only one deacon, Brother Neal.  In 1946, Brother Ray Simpson was ordained to serve as deacon and assist Brother Neal.  Some time around 1949, Brother Irvin Simpson was ordained as deacon in the church.  In 1953, Brother L.E. Case was recommended to be ordained and served the church as deacon with Brother Simpson and Brother Neal.  In the 1960's, Brother Case moved to the Alton area, leaving only two deacons in the church.  In 1968, God called Brother Dale Smallwood and he was ordained as deacon.  The following year, in 1969, the deacons and Brother Walter Simpson were able to obtain a deed for the property and the building in the name of the Wilderness Freewill Baptist Church.  Brother Smallwood served as a deacon as long as he lived in the community but his job soon called for a move and Brother Neal and Brother Simpson served by themselves until 1984 when Brother James Dodson moved into the community.  He had been ordained as a deacon in the St. Louis area and was accepted into the church and became an active deacon.  Brother  Simpson had been forced into inactive duty at this time due to ill health.  In 1984, Brother Virgil Simpson and Brother Terry Miller were ordained as deacons.  In 1986, Brother Irvin Simpson was called home to eternal rest.  In 1989, Brother Mark Barton was ordained as deacon.  Brother Neal had become an inactive deacon due to health reasons in 1985 but continued to support the church with prayers.  Presently, the church has four active deacons.  The church appreciates the work the deacons do and feel they are doing God's work.

        Membership in the present day church is listed at seventy-five.  Due to lost records, this figure may not be totally accurate, and that includes nonresidents.  The average attendance for Sunday School is 45 with teh average attendance for church service at 50.  Through the years many revivals and special services have been held at the church.  One revival, in 1944, records 13 conversions and as many as 11 joining the church at one service.  Revivals continue to be held at the church with various ministers bring the messages.  The doors of the church continue to be opened frequently and recently we had nine people join the church in that service.  Baptisms continue to be held in the nearby Eleven Point River.  Communion and footwashing services are held each June together and communion is offered each quarter.  The church has an active young people group with Brother and Sister Miller serving as youth leaders at this time, being elected by the young people.  The youth are in charge of the service on the last Sunday night of each month.  Vacation Bible School is held each summer is one of the highlights of the church year.  participation in Bible School is open to surrounding communities and an average attendance is 25 with classes being offered to all ages.  Sunday School is still an important part of our church and presently Brother Earl Simpson is the superintendent.  Our Sunday School clerk is Sister Annalee Smith.  Sunday School consists of eight classes as we strive to meet the need of every age group that wants to Study God's Word.  Bible Study is held each Wednesday night.  Brother Barton is the leader at this time and average attendance is 25.  Five classes are offered on Wednesday night.  Special singings continue to be held often as the community and church seem to love hearing the Gospel in song.  Groups from Alton and Van Buren are frequently guests at the church to bring the message in song.  The church also has a youth choir called the "Young Disciples" who sing at each service on Sunday and at many special services.  Many of our members sing solos and we have a quartet and trio.  We love making a joyful noise to the Lord!  Brother Marvin Brawley is our song leader, and Sisters Pat Brawley and Deann Lunyou are our pianists.  They all do a great job!

        This booklet is not intended to be an ending to an era but instead it is dedicated to preserving some of the history known of the church.  With God's blessings, the church will continue to be a message place for God's Word and a site for God's work to be done.  We are thankful for the many ministers that have pastored, preached revivals, filled the pulpit, and helped keep the church doors open.  We are thankful to the men who have served as deacons throughout the years.  We are also thankful for the church clerks who have kept the records to the best of their abilities.  And we are thankful for the Sunday School workers past and present.  We would also like to thank, at this time, all of you who reached back into your memory bank and pulled out dates and events.  You are not listed in this book but your contributions made this booklet possible.  Last, but certainly most important, we thank God for His many blessings and ask His guidance as we continue to serve Him and tell the Gospel.  Please pray for us in our efforts.  Come and worship with us anytime.


©2005  Denise Woodside - Storyteller and Webmaster - My Simpson Family




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