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Prevost Family Page

My married name is WOODSIDE, but the WOODSIDE patriarch, James Nevin Woodside, was actually born into this world as a Prevost.

James Nevin Woodside's birth certificate provides the following information:

  • Date of Birth:  June 17, 1916

  • Full Name:  Harold Edwin Prevost

  • Father's Name:  Sylvester Prevost

  • Father's Residence: Unknown

  • Father's Birthplace:  Muskingum Co., O

  • Father's Occupation:  Laborer

  • Mother's Maiden Name:  Mary Smith

  • Mother's Residence:  Licking County Infirmary

  • Mother's Birthplace:  Indiana

  • Mother's Occupation:  Domestic

  • Number of children born to this mother:  7

  • Number of children of this mother living:  6

[Note:  See article on the Licking County Infirmary.]

In the 1910 census, the following family is found in Licking County, OH [see original]:

  • Sylvester Prevost, M, W, 37, Head of Household, Birthplace: Indiana, Blacksmith at a Glass Factory

  • Catherine, Wife, 32, Birthplace:  Ohio

  • Thelma, daughter, 8

  • Gracie, daughter, 3

  • Minnie, daughter, 10 months

In the 1920 census, the following separate entries are found:

Franklin County, OH [see original]:

  • Thelma M. Prevost, 17, Inmate, Institution for the Feeble Minded

  • As daunting as the name of this place sounds, apparently it was a school for those that struggled in regular schools.  Here is some information on the institution from the Ohio Historical Society.

Licking County, OH [see original]:

  • Grace Prevost, 15, Inmate, Licking County Children's Home

  • Minnie Prevost, 9, Inmate, Licking County Children's Home



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