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Will Abstracts

            From the book Guilford County, North Carolina Will Abstracts by Irene B. Webster obtained through email correspondence.

A:0344 - RICHARD SIMPSON - 24 DEC 1793 - Prb May 1795

Son Thomas - one breading saw (sow) and a chair

Son Richard - land on which I live, 20 ac on which Elizabeth Carrol lives, & land on which he lives.

Son Nathaniel - a white mare

Daus Elizabeth Knight & Jane Marcellot - feather bed & what feathers I have, trunk, chair, basons

Dau Eleanor Hicks - pewter basin & my stone quart mug

Step dau Elizabeth Carrol - spinning wheel, basin, bed, tub

gr dau Elizabeth Rees Hicks - 3 yr old heifer

gr dau Elizabeth Simpson, d/o Thomas - my chest

gr son Nathaniel s/o Thomas - young cow named Rock

gr sons Richard Simpson (s/o Thomas), Peter Ryan Simpson, William - sale of remainder of property

Exrs:  Sons Thomas & Richard Simpson

Wits:  John Campbell, Mary Campbell, Edward Edwards

A:0372 - RICHARD SIMPSON, Senr - 20 Nov 1802 - Prb Feb 1804

Wife Selah - third of my estate for her lifetime

Son William - 50 ac near where my bro Thomas did live and remainder of my land

Sons Peter, Richard, & James - Selah's land at her decease

Nephew Thomas Knight - my young sorrel mare

All my children: Peter, Pharby, William, Richard, Ellener, Anna, & James - remainder of estate at Selah's decese

Exrs: Eldest sons Peter & William Simpson

Wits: Thomas Kirkman, Richard Simpson

B:0632 - NATHANIEL SIMPSON - 3 Mar 1827 - Prb May 1830

Wife Sarah - the bed we usually sleep upon, her choice of cows, side saddle, 28 ac on western end of tract, dwelling house

Son Robert K. - to inherit the 28 ac

Son William - already has a tract adjoining the 28 ac tract

Dau Sarah Lain * son Nathaniel * Thomas ($5)--one dollar

Dau Mary Simpson - bed & furniture, heifer or value of $3

Sons Nathan - $1; John - bed &  furniture; Westly - $5

Dau Sinah Simpson, bed & furniture, sorrell mare, loom, large pot, oven, chest of drawers made by John Adams

Dau Elba Simpson - bed & furniture, mare colt, loom now in possession of John Work, pot, oven, divide cupboard furniture with Elba

Ch: John, William & Robert; daus Sinah & Elba - reside of est

Exrs: sons Nathaniel & John Simpson

Wits: Jeremiah Crowder, Sally Crowder


From ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WILL ABSTRACTS by Irene B. Webster, obtained via email.


C:3 WILLIAM SIMPSON.  Not dated.  Prb. May 1844.

Wife Isabel. Sons: James Simpson, William Simpson, Jr., Robert Simpson. Heirs of Absalum Simpson.

Daus; Celia McCollum (land on Haw River), - land adj. James B. Tayler & Thomas Knight. 

granddau Margaret McCollum.

Exrs: sons William Simpson, James Simpson

Wit: E. M. Woodburn, S. W. Lomax

A:334 PETER MARSELLIOT. April 11, 1819. prb. Nov.1829

Son Jacob Marselliot. 

Daus:  Mary, Magdalen, Jane, Anna, Elizabeth Rebecca, Christian, Issabel.

Grandsons:  Lennard Vandogriff, Jacob.

Exrs:  Martin Wright, John Wilson.

Wit:  Howel Parker, Branch Gordon, Nathan Simpson

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