Death Notice

"The following death notice was sent to me first by Virgil King and then later by Donna Johnson Brawley, along with some other Simpson information. Peter Lemuel Simpson was my great grandfather and the father of my granddad, James Peter Simpson. Peter Lemuel Simpson was the son of Peter Rine Simpson and the grandson of Thomas Simpson. He married Wilhelmina Holland Parvin, as mentioned in the notice. His children were James Peter, Mary Ellen, Robert Thomas, William Joseph, Electa M., and Elina J. He is buried in the Wilderness Cemetery, Wilderness, Oregon County, Missouri. His wife and children are all buried there also. I have a picture of the grave marker. There are no known pictures of Peter Lemuel Simpson. I have a copy of a picture that my mother had in her possession. I thought this was possibly him, but relatives tell me that this picture is not him. I thought I remembered my mother saying that it was him, but I must be mistaken."

Deborah Overton, September 10, 2005

SIMPSON, Peter Lemuel - White's Creek, MO

Simpson, Peter L.
28 Dec 1864 - 29 Mar 1901
[Husband of Willie M. Simpson]
~Wilderness (King Twp) Cemetery~
Brother P. L. Simpson died 29 March 1901, White's Creek.
[Eleven Points River Bapt. Assoc]

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