SIMPSON, Wade Hampton


"The following obituary is from the webpages of Nona Williams ( Wade Hampton Simpson was a son of Thomas and Nancy 'Moreland' Simpson. He was a brother of Peter Rine Simpson."

Deborah Overton, September 10, 2005

SIMPSON, Wade Hampton

On Tuesday morning May 11th , the death angel visited the home of T.S. Simpson and claimed as its own W.H. Simpson, ex-confederate veteran. The deceased was born near Nashville, Tennessee, November 2, 1834, married to Eliza Gum in 1856. To this union four children were born, Jesse, Peter, Jacob, and Nancy.

On January 1, 1867. his wife was taken from him. After a few years he married Nancy E. Waller, to this union one child, Mary, was born.

On January 10 1898, his second wife was taken from him.

Uncle Wade, as so many knew him, was one of the pioneers of the county, having emigrated in the early days from Tennessee with a gun and an ax in his hands and with faith in God, he cleared the mighty forests to make room for the march of civilization westward, and in 1860 when the war clouds began to gather over our peaceful land he was first to hear the bugle call , with a brave heart and a prayer always on his lips he followed the faded flag of Dixie for the cause he thought just.

And when that trumpet shall sound again, and all ye hosts shall rise, he a soldier of the cross shall becon [sic] us with his right hand to follow him to that glorious land of somewhere.

Uncle Wade was a God-fearing man and a staunch defender of the faith. And he shall reap his reward in heaven.

He so lived that when the summons came to join the innumerable caravan that moves toward that mysterious realm, to the silent halls of death, he did not go like a quarry slave in the night, scourged to his dungeon, but he wrapped the drapery of his couch about him and laid down to pleasant dreams.

He is survived by four children, Jesse, Peter, and Jacob Simpson, and Mrs. Mary Cooper. Besides his children, he leaves a host of friends to mourn his death.

Though dead, his soul goes marching on to his loved ones, where there is no sorrow or pain.


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